

英語の文章を読んで勉強をしていたところ、grand cuisine = 豪奢な料理 と説明書きがあったのですが、「豪奢」が読めなくて日本語って難しいぜ、と思いました。(笑)

When I was reading and studying the English text, I found the description "grand cuisine = 豪奢," but I couldn't read "豪奢," and I thought, "Japanese is so difficult."(lol)


豪奢 「ごうしゃ」意味は、大層贅沢で派手なこと。

Gousya. The meaning is to be extravagant and showy.


英単語からも漢字の字面からも意味は充分推測できるのに漢字が読めないとはね。🙂 英語の勉強をしていると「私は日本語の勉強をしているのでは?」と思うことが頻繁にあります。言語学習とはそういうものなんだろうなと勝手に納得しております。

I can guess the meaning well enough from the English words and from the appearance of the kanji, but I can't read the kanji. 🙂 When I study English, I often wonder, "Am I studying Japanese?" I am convinced that this is what language learning is all about.



The kanji character for "奢" often appears in the usage of "奢る(おご-る), but it is sometimes used to mean "to allow someone to eat or drink with one's own money" and sometimes to mean "to live a luxurious life beyond one's status".



In the latter sense, there is a very famous phrase in Japan.



The sound of the bell of the Gion Shrine echoes with the impermanence of all things. The color of the flowers of the sarasouki tree shows that all things must come to an end. The luxurious man has been gone too long, and it is like a dream on a spring night. Even the fiercest of men will die at last, just like the dust before the wind. (DeepL Translation)


長いな(笑) これは古典軍記物語の『平家物語』の冒頭でして、この世の無常を説いた言葉です。日本人のほとんどが学生時代にこれを暗唱することになるので、すらすら言える人が多く存在します。卍解でもするのか?という勢い。(卍解は漫画BLEACHの話ね。)

Long(lol)  This is the beginning of "The Tale of the Heike," a classic military tale, and it is a phrase that explains the impermanence of this world. Most Japanese will recite this in their school days, and there are many who can say it easily. The momentum is such that it is almost as if they are going to do 卍解. (卍解 is from the manga BLEACH)



I guess I am learning Japanese after all. See you next time!