

前にTwitterの方で、今読んでいる本として挙げた『BEAD ON TROUBLE』、ちょっと前に読み終わりました。

I finished reading "BEAD ON TROUBLE" a while ago, which I mentioned on Twitter before as a book I am currently reading.



I read it aloud every day, prioritizing reading through to the end rather than looking up unfamiliar words, and as a result, I finished it with little...no, to be honest, no understanding of the contents at all.



次に読み始めた本はこの『MIDNIGHT COMES AT NOON』なのですが、やはりゆっくりでも調べながら読んだ方がいいか、と思いつつも、いやそんなに時間をかけてしっかり内容を知りたいと思っているわけでもないよな…と悩み中です。

The next book I started reading is this "MIDNIGHT COMES AT NOON" and I am still wondering if I should read it slowly but with research, but no, I don't want to spend that much time to know the contents well....



And now that I look at it again, it's twice as thick as the last book. ...OK, I'll just let it be something I enjoy reading aloud......😇


However. I read "BEAD" roughly, but I was curious about the repeated words and looked them up, and when I was watching Monsters, Inc. (I own the DVD), it came up, and I was in the very state of "Oh, this is that one," which I did in Shinkenzemi. (Shinkenzemi is a famous correspondence course in Japan.)



Well, it was just the word "bunk"(Nidan bed). No no no, but I thought it was worth reading just for that. Simple. Simple. ←(笑)



So, I think I'll just hybridize it and read it quickly while I look it up😌

