
前回の日記内で、「前」とか「ちょっと前」とか書いていて思い出したのですが、「前」は日本語学習者さん達にとって難しい日本語のひとつみたいですね。以前Kevin's English Roomさんの『アメリカ育ちが未だに日本語の「前」の意味がわからない話』という動画を見て、確かにややこしいよな、と思いました。

When I wrote "前" or "ちょっと前" in my last diary entry, I remembered that "mae" seems to be one of the most difficult Japanese words for learners of Japanese. I watched Kevin's English Room's video titled "An American Grown-Up Still Doesn't Understand the Meaning of 'Mae' in Japanese," and thought that it is indeed complicated.



↑Not on purpose, but naturally, I found myself using "mae" in many expressions.


「前」の難しさと面白さについてはKevin's English Roomさんの動画が詳しく取り上げているので是非見ていただきたいのですが、私も日本語ネイティブのくせに「いや前の意味むずいわ」と思ったことが過去にあります。それは、ゲーム、バイオハザードをプレイしていた時のことです。

I would like to share with you some of the difficulties and interesting aspects of "mae," which are discussed in detail in Kevin's English Room's video, but even though I am a native Japanese speaker, there have been times in the past when I have thought, "No, the meaning of mae is too difficult. It was when I was playing the game Resident Evil.



The sentence is something like "The switch to be pressed is 前 of stone monument A, next to the three graves", but which is "前 of the monumet"?






🪦← this way?
🪦🪦🪦🪦←Stone monument A
🪦← that way?




Well, which one? I think the face side of the monument is the one with the writing on it, so from a human point of view, is that side the 前 side? No, is it the 手前 side? Do you mean the 前 side when you think of it as an object without anthropomorphizing it? I was so worried.



In the end, the switch on the stone monument on "this way" was the correct answer. Even Japanese people don't understand Mae.😌

