

A few years ago I had a strained back and that caused me to have back pain. trainedaRecently, I had been doing muscle training, which is said to prevent back pain, and was feeling fine, but suddenly, without warning, it came back. Why?🥺


今回の日記のお陰で、ギックリ腰を英語でなんて言うのか学べました。ナイス学問(笑) そういえば腰痛も背痛も簡単に言う時はback painと言うのはちょっと不思議だな〜と思います。腰を背中の背面の部位、だと日本人は思っていない気がする……マジで知らんけど。

Thanks to this diary, I learned how to say "ギックリ腰" in English. Nice learning lol. Come to think of it, I think it's a bit strange that both 腰痛 and 背痛 are called back pain when you say it simply. I don't think Japanese people think of the lower back as the back part of the back......but I don't sure.



I'll ask some friends and do a little research.

